Mandarinas hideaway
It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed!

Welcome to my little corner of the internet!

I'm still very new to HTML and learning so please bare with my mistakes. My plans are to hopefully be able to make my own code completely customized and made by me, but I am no way near that level so I'm using a template for now:)
This website is a WORK IN PROGRESS and it will continue change a lot because I'm still learning and trying to figure out how I want everything to look

About me!

My name is Mandarina and I'm teen girl from Sweden.

I decided to make myself a website because I'd like to say that I am a very creative person and I want a personal little corner of the internet where I can post about and write about anything I desire.

I was born in Serbia but when I was 2 years old I moved to Sweden. Meaning that I know Both Swedish, Serbian and of course English

Status Cafe Profile

Say hello to Bingo!

I am
animal lover, assertive, big sister, biogirl, bouncy, caring, cat lover, chubby, cisgender, cisgender girl, cisgender woman, creative, cuddly, daughter, diva, dog lover, dork, drama queen, dreamer, extrovert, fabulous, fangirl, female, female-assigned, female-bodied, female-born, feminist, freak, friend, friendly, full of hate, full of love, geek, glittery, hippie, introvert, lover, Miss, nerd, obsessed, odd, quirky, sassy, sensitive, she-geek, shy, sparkly, straight?, straightly queer, student, tomboy femme, understanding, wannabe, weird, working class, XX
Who are you?